What annoys me about “female sexuality” articles and studies is the focus on techniques… Who cares HOW. Focus on WHY.

I made the mistake of clicking on an article about sex stuff women don’t talk about, but like yada yada. OK, sure, first pointer is something I’ve always done since a teen, but never heard anyone say they do, too. Not that I’d ask. Full marks, so my interest is piqued but vanishes fast. All this focus on simple action, fingering, pressure, points to tease, you know? Who the fuck cares what you rub yourself against and at what pressure?!

How good it is has next to NOTHING to do with what you do but who you do it with and why. The situation. The reason. For a connection. Without a connection to the man, what is there? “Nothing” is what. Just replacing a plastic dildo with a living one. And by a “connection,” I don’t mean knowing him really well and having had a 10-hour conversation about our unique sexual preferences; no, I mean looking him in the eye with a glance and knowing what he’s about… And him knowing I’m not one of those bitches who whip out a fucking instruction manual of pressure points and god damned how fast to whip for the thickest cream… (My analogy fell apart, I know.)

I was expecting at least fantasies that women don’t talk about. I was expecting them to say that this or that thing that people always say men shouldn’t do turn me on so much… I was expecting taboos to fly out of the closet, but no. We’ll be talking about rubbing ourselves against a mattress, NOT what thought makes you do so. It doesn’t matter what action you do if your head’s not in it. And that’s the power of men who can get inside your head… A man who says one thing, right tone, and you’ll be rubbing yourself against a mattress in a fever? But what do they say to me?

Nothing that’s legal to print, haha. 😀 No, I’m kidding. Sometimes, it’s even legal, but rarely is it not a taboo.

Women make it sound so fucking complicated to get them off. They should fucking chill. Just STOP BEING A FUCKING…. Moron. Open them legs and let him fuck you; god damned, it’s not so fucking difficult. Who cares what mommy thinks or if daddy would be ashamed? FUCK THEM. (Not literally… Unless you’re into it, I suppose.) Like, what are you going for fucking style points?! Getting all nervy about doing it right? Fuck that.

You know what is the best position in the goddamned world? Missionary. That’s the one. Tell me something else, and I know you’re lying or too ashamed of yourself to look him in the face when he fucks you or too scared of men to let him get on top of you. My favorite foreplay? A raspy confession, “I want to fuck you so bad.” All it takes.

Stop making it so fucking complicated.

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