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Good fucken heavens.

Realization of the century…

My whole mode of being is to try and ENCOURAGE my men to make a move… You know, to my True Emotion Mirrors busy shitting themselves, “It’ll be alright; I won’t bite.” But no matter how EASY I am or make myself, these specific chicken shits won’t make a move.

Now. That explains my dhiarretic level need to “self-express” and self-expose my thoughts and feelings to the world. Nothing has been a secret to me, not that anyone really cared, either. Seemed to, anyway. It just felt like I had to keep talking, keep writing, like they just can’t get enough – listening in spirit, not really in person, I mean… Heavens help if they got caught giving a shit.

I may still share, but I don’t know. I’m sure my tone and topics will change quite a bit.

What a novel realization! It’s MENS’ fault. XD